Luwak Coffee

How Can Luwak Produce Delicious Coffee?

Scientifically, mongooses are included in the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Viverridae, genus Paradoxurus, and species hermaphroditus. In the Viverridae family, mongooses are related to other animals such as civets, genetics, and tangalunga. However, civets have special differences in the digestive process that make them unique and famous coffee producers

This unique process occurs when the civet eats ripe coffee cherries. After going through the digestive process in the civet’s stomach, the coffee beans undergo chemical changes which give them a distinctive aroma and taste when processed into coffee. Then, the coffee beans are removed along with the civet droppings. The collecting coffee farmers then take the civet droppings for further processing to produce delicious Kopi Luwak

Characteristics of Luwak Coffee

Luwak coffee has a taste that tends to be mild, soft, and not as strong as regular coffee. Luwak coffee also has lower caffeine levels so it tastes creamier and smoother.

In Bali, the ecosystem where mongooses live is very diverse, from tropical rainforests, mountain forests, to coffee plantations. They have good adaptations in living in these various habitats. Usually, mongooses prefer to live in areas close to their main food sources, such as coffee beans, fruit and insects.

Balinese Luwak coffee is known as one of the best and most expensive coffees in the world